Vacancies @ the Hotel Maybe December 31, 2018 DIY gaming FLAILSNAILS Hotel Maybe musings table top TROIKA! world building +
a new FLAILSNAILS vacation destination December 25, 2018 DIY gaming FLAILSNAILS Hotel Maybe musings world building +
Troika! MotBM: 1st session notes and take-aways November 29, 2018 actual play discord play homebrew rules motbm musings TROIKA! +
poems for Treeside November 25, 2018 bad photography buddhadharma infects everything i do cultural appropriation blender set on puree longform haiku musings my influences pretentious typewriter stuff procedural writing world building +
"olm" as a misunderstanding October 11, 2018 adventure planning underworld Veins of the Earth world building +
HP, HD, Wounds, Dismemberment, and Death (DCC) January 28, 2018 DCC DIY gaming homebrew rules musings +
DCC playing card initiative January 13, 2018 adventure planning bad photography DCC DIY gaming homebrew rules musings +
Phase 1.03 January 03, 2018 actual play art i made bad photography DCC endonaut maybe carcosa PHASE ONE play by mob vote pretentious typewriter stuff +