to commemorate the arrival of the new TROIKA! print, I give you:
A Witch-Thing
In addition to Familiars obtained by summonings and pacts, which everyone knows to watch for, witches will create other servants and helper spirits. One witch assembled an array of vile and hard-to-acquire ingredients, then brought them sorcerously into an unnatural existence as you, new to the world, bound by and beholden to a series of rigid, arcane obligations.
Usually you were just an extra set of hands for greeting visitors, fetching things, or carrying messages. Yet somehow you escaped - now you are free to pursue a new life!
Witch-hair rope.
A Hat OR A Cane OR A Book.
1d6 Eye(s)
Secret Signs - Ensnaring Script 2
Helping Hands 4
Fly 3 OR Assume Shape 3 OR Astral Reach 3
Dodge 2 OR Random Spell 2
Languages (but you grow 1d6 mouths & 1d4 ears instead) 1
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